Notice On Adjusting The Margin Of Cotton Futures And Applying For Subsidy Of Cotton Freight In 2020
Notice on adjustment of margin standard and limit range for trading of cotton futures contracts
Zsh [2021] No. 543
According to the provisions of Article 10 of the administrative measures for futures trading risk control of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, it is decided through research that the trading margin standard of 2111 and 2201 contracts of cotton futures will be adjusted to 10% and the range of up and down limit will be adjusted to 8% since the settlement on September 13, 2021.
If the trading margin standard and the range of price limit prescribed by the rules are higher than the above standards, the original provisions shall still apply.
It is hereby notified.
Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange
September 7, 2021
(source: Zheng Shangsuo)
Notice on the declaration of cotton freight subsidy for export to Xinjiang in 2020 (XCJ [2021] No. 142)
Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture Finance Bureau, local (state, city) Finance Bureau, each enterprise reporting cotton freight subsidy:
According to the notice on printing and distributing the operating rules for freight subsidy of cotton exported from Xinjiang (XCJ [2013] No. 42) issued by the Finance Department of the autonomous region, in order to facilitate enterprises to apply for cotton freight subsidies for export in 2020 (hereinafter referred to as 2020) and improve the efficiency of subsidy audit, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
In 2020, the subsidy standard for cotton freight out of Xinjiang is 500 yuan / ton, and the standard bale weight is calculated as 0.227 tons. The application and examination of subsidies shall be carried out by combining electronic and paper elements. The declaration scope of freight subsidy for cotton exported from Xinjiang in 2020 is: the cotton produced and processed from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2021, and transported out of Xinjiang from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021.
1、 Subsidy declaration procedures and requirements
(1) General arrangement of declaration
1. In 2020, the declaration materials of cotton freight subsidy for export to Xinjiang will be managed electronically. Except for a small number of specified core elements, other documents will be submitted in electronic form (PDF file format, pixel accuracy of each scanned piece is above 300 dpi, the same below).
2. The Finance Department of the autonomous region entrusts the national cotton trading market to set up a column of "2020 cotton freight subsidy" on China Cotton Information Network (website: or www.cottonchina. Org. CN), which provides free electronic declaration platform for declaration enterprises and accepts electronic application materials of enterprises.
The paper documents shall be submitted by the application enterprise to: Xinjiang Office (Collection) of national cotton trading market address: Room 601, tourism distribution center, Silk Road Economic Belt, No. 99, North sixth high speed rail road, Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xinjiang, postcode: 830000. Attention: Li Jie, Tel: 0991-2710981.
3. The acceptance period of online subsidy declaration is from September 15, 2021 to November 15, 2021. The acceptance period of paper documents is from September 20, 2021 to November 30, 2021 (subject to the delivery time of paper documents). The application enterprise must complete the subsidy declaration within the above-mentioned time limit. If the declaration acceptance time limit is exceeded, the financial department of the autonomous region will not accept the application, and the enterprise shall bear the loss caused by the failure to obtain the subsidy.
4. Please enter the column of "2020 cotton freight subsidy" within the specified time limit, register the basic information of the enterprise, fill in the cotton export information and upload the application materials in the "Freight subsidy declaration" system. The electronic seal is not required for uploading materials, but the corporate seal must be stamped on the scanned paper copy.
5. According to the relevant provisions of Article 3 of the operating rules for freight subsidy of Xinjiang cotton (XCJ [2013] No. 42), the object of freight subsidy of Xinjiang cotton is the owner of Xinjiang cotton, and the financial department of the autonomous region which is not the agent of the owner of Xinjiang cotton shall not accept it.
(2) Requirements for reporting materials
1. Basic information of enterprise registration
The declaration enterprise first entered the column of "2020 cotton freight subsidy" of China cotton information network, and completed the enterprise information registration. The bank account filled in the enterprise's basic information is the financial subsidy fund appropriation account. Please ensure that the relevant information is accurate.
2. Filling requirements for electronic declaration materials of railway cotton freight subsidy
The enterprise enters the "2020 railway subsidy declaration" system through the column of "2020 freight subsidy of cotton exported to Xinjiang" on China cotton information network. According to the operation instructions, the enterprise enters the information of railway transportation of cotton out of Xinjiang by "batch" as the unit, and uploads the electronic scanning copy (PDF file format) of the specified original bills, specifically including: Special VAT invoice of cotton freight transportation industry The third copy of railway freight bill, loading list, value-added tax invoice of cotton sales in Xinjiang, cotton purchase and sales contract, warehouse storage contract and warehousing certificate of transferred cotton. After a single batch of cotton information is entered, the next batch of information should be entered after the "confirmation" operation, otherwise the relevant data can not be summarized into the subsidy declaration form.
3. Filling requirements of electronic declaration materials for freight subsidy of highway exported cotton
Enterprises enter the "2020 highway subsidy declaration" system through the column of "2020 annual freight subsidy for exported cotton" of China cotton information network, input the information of highway transportation cotton out of Xinjiang with "batch" as the unit, and upload the specified electronic scanning copy of original bills (PDF file format), specifically including: value-added tax invoice of highway transportation cotton goods transportation industry, and The value-added tax invoice of cotton sales in Xinjiang, cotton purchase and sales contract, warehouse storage contract and warehousing certificate of transferred cotton. After a single batch of cotton information is entered, the next batch of information should be entered after the "confirmation" operation, otherwise the relevant data can not be summarized into the subsidy declaration form.
(3) Printing of subsidy declaration form
After all batches of cotton outbound information input is completed and checked, the "general confirmation" operation will be carried out (the operation function will be opened on September 20). Once the "general confirmation" operation is carried out, the input information cannot be changed. Please pay attention to it! After the declaration enterprise clicks "general confirmation" or the online declaration acceptance time is up, the paper application materials can be printed. During the material printing process, the system will automatically add watermark to the report. Please operate correctly to ensure that all printed paper reports have complete watermark.
The paper-based enterprise information table, detailed declaration form of freight subsidy of Xinjiang cotton highway (railway) in 2020, detailed statement of declaration and review of freight subsidy of highway (railway) in 2020 and declaration form of freight subsidy of highway (railway) in 2020 are automatically generated by the system.
(4) Requirements for submission of paper application materials
The elements to be submitted by the application enterprise include: enterprise information form, business license (copy), declaration form of freight subsidy for export cotton, detailed statement for examination and approval of freight subsidy declaration for Xinjiang cotton, list of single batch declaration for freight subsidy of Xinjiang cotton, special VAT invoice of railway freight transportation industry, third sheet of railway freight bill, loading list (original), etc Value added tax invoice, application and verification form for highway transportation of cotton in Xinjiang (original). All paper materials provided by the enterprise must be stamped with the official seal of the enterprise.
The paper materials shall be bound into volumes according to the file management requirements, and the binding position shall be unified on the left side, and the cover shall be marked with the enterprise name and cotton transportation mode; The order of binding is enterprise information table, enterprise business license, subsidy declaration form, subsidy declaration review list, subsidy declaration list of single batch, and original transportation certificate corresponding to a single batch of cotton [Special VAT invoice of railway transportation cotton freight transportation industry, the third copy of railway freight bill and loading list (original copy)]; Value added tax invoice, application and verification form for highway transportation of cotton (original).
(5) Other matters needing attention in the application process
1. Freight subsidy will not be arranged for cotton produced or transported out of Xinjiang beyond the specified time limit. When applying for subsidies, the unit of weight is "ton" and the unit of amount is "ten thousand yuan". Subsidies will not be arranged for batches that are wrongly filled in by the unit.
2. For the cotton transported out of Xinjiang by road, the declaration enterprise of freight subsidy shall be consistent with the enterprise name on the highway transportation application and verification form, and be one of the buyers or sellers on the value-added tax invoice of goods transportation. The issuing party of the VAT invoice for goods transportation must be consistent with the name of the transportation unit on the highway transportation application and verification form. (if there is any inconsistency caused by special reasons, please give a description of the situation); For the cotton transported out of Xinjiang by railway, the declaration enterprise of freight subsidy shall be consistent with the enterprise name of the buyer of the special invoice for value-added tax of goods transportation (if there is any inconsistency due to special reasons, please explain the situation). The special invoice for value-added tax of goods transportation and the Railway Freight waybill must be issued by the freight center of Urumqi Railway Bureau, The loading list and other shipping documents must be issued by each railway shipping station. All the above bills issued by other units shall be deemed invalid, and the corresponding batch of cotton shall not be subsidized.
3. According to the notice on starting the "warehouse to warehouse" verification method for highway transportation of cotton flowers in Xinjiang (XCJ [2016] No. 258) issued by the Finance Department of the autonomous region, the highway cotton for freight subsidy must be included in the second-party supervision network system of cotton highway transportation in the national cotton trading market, and be subject to standardized supervision.
4. Please pay attention to the audit results and relevant information of freight subsidy for export cotton published on the portal website of Xinjiang Finance Department (website: and China Cotton Information Network (website: or www.cotton. Org. CN).
5. If the reporting enterprise is listed in the list of major tax violation information cases, the enterprise will be disqualified from enjoying the subsidy policy for going out of Xinjiang this year, and the freight subsidy will not be arranged.
2、 Subsidy review procedure
The examination and approval of cotton freight subsidies for Xinjiang is organized and implemented by the Finance Department of the autonomous region. The national cotton trading market and the third-party intermediary agencies are introduced to establish the cotton freight subsidy audit team to jointly complete the subsidy audit. The audit process is divided into preliminary review, review and final review.
(1) Preliminary trial
Review the completeness and standardization of the enterprise application materials. Focus on checking whether the application materials of the declaration enterprises meet the requirements of the declaration requirements of "notes on declaration of freight of overseas cotton flowers in 2020". If there are problems such as incompleteness, inaccuracy and nonstandard, it will be publicized through the column of "2020 annual cotton freight subsidy" of China Cotton Information network (website: or www.cottonchina. Org. CN), If an enterprise fails to complete the application materials according to the notification results, it will directly enter the review and final review.
(2) Review
After the preliminary examination, the auditors will check the cotton origin, production time, transportation time and quantity of cotton batch by batch. It is important to check whether the same batch of cotton has repeated declaration and whether the same railway freight bill has repeated declaration. During the review period, the auditors will go to the railway, tax and supervision warehouse and other third-party units to randomly check the value-added tax transportation invoice, railway freight bill, loading list, etc. in the enterprise's declaration subsidy materials.
(3) Final adjudication
After the reexamination, the auditors shall review the re examination results again to determine the final review results. After the final review, the Finance Department of the autonomous region will publicize the examination and approval results of the application enterprises and the examination and approval report of the audit units through the column of "2020 annual cotton freight subsidy" of China Cotton Information Network (website: or www.cotton. Org. CN). The publication time is January of the next year and the publicity period is 5 working days. After the publicity, the financial department of the autonomous region will allocate freight subsidy funds to enterprises in batches.
3、 Penalty for violation of regulations
1. The reporting enterprise must declare subsidies in strict accordance with the requirements, and fraud is strictly prohibited. If it is found that the enterprise deliberately uses "repeated declaration, false declaration, providing false bills and tampering with the original documents" to defraud the subsidy funds during the subsidy audit or after fund allocation, the enterprise and its main investors will be permanently disqualified from enjoying various financial subsidy policies according to relevant provisions, and the unit and individual responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with legal procedures.
2. If the enterprise repeatedly enters the batch of cotton to declare subsidies, the total number of declared pieces exceeds the number of single pieces of processing code. Regardless of whether the business of going out of Xinjiang is true or not, the whole batch of declaration pieces of the fault party shall be excluded. If it is impossible to determine the fault Party of both parties, the number of the whole batch declaration of both parties shall be eliminated, and the freight subsidy shall not be arranged.
3. If the subsidy application materials are not complete or do not meet the requirements, resulting in the failure to accurately identify the cotton export information or affecting the normal development of subsidy audit, the corresponding batch of cotton will not be subsidized.
4. During railway declaration, the number of loading pieces shall be entered in strict accordance with the loading list. If the number of wagons and leather pieces entered in the railway freight waybill results in the number of declared pieces being greater than the actual number of transport pieces in the loading list of this batch, once found, it will be treated as fraud, and will not arrange freight subsidy and confiscate the relevant declaration materials.
5. For the enterprises that sell Xinjiang cotton in 2020 through signing the purchase and sales contract, the name of the enterprise applying for freight subsidy shall be indicated on the relevant purchase and sales contract or supporting materials. Both parties shall negotiate before the subsidy declaration, distinguish the cotton batch they declare and agree in writing with the applicant. If two or more enterprises declare and repeat the same batch of cotton at the same time, the freight subsidy of the defaulting party shall be deducted by twice the amount of repeated declaration.
6. For the enterprises that sell Xinjiang cotton in 2020 through signing the purchase and sales contract, the buyer and the Seller shall negotiate with each other on the batch weight in the purchase and sales contract and the purchase and sales invoice, so as to distinguish the declared weight and agree on the applicant in writing. If two or more enterprises declare and reuse the same invoice number at the same time, resulting in the tonnage exceeding the face value of the invoice, the freight subsidy of cotton corresponding to the weight exceeding the face value of both parties shall be deducted.
4、 Contact information
1. Policy support and business consultation.
Tel: 0991-2710981 010-59338742 010-59338627
Working hours: 8:30-11:30 a.m., 13:00-18:00 p.m
2. Paper material declaration.
Tel: 0991-2710981
Working hours: 10:00-14:00 a.m., 16:00-20:00 p.m
Appendix: Notes on declaration of cotton freight in 2020
enclosure: Notes on declaration of cotton freight in 2020
All enterprises are requested to do a good job in reporting subsidies for cotton freight in Xinjiang in 2020 and the matters needing attention. Specific precautions are as follows:
1、 Notes on submitting paper application materials
All enterprises are requested to bind the subsidy application materials into volumes in strict accordance with the file management requirements, and the binding position is unified on the left side, and the cover is made. Material binding should be firm and stable. In case of nonstandard and irregular binding of materials, or scattered materials after arrival due to loose binding, the review shall not be conducted, and no subsidy shall be granted according to the provisions of Article 3 of Part III of the document.
(1) Application materials of railway transportation subsidy
(1) Cover. The cover must indicate the name of the enterprise, mode of cotton transportation, cotton production year, social unified credit code (organization code), indicate the total number of volumes, and indicate the current number of copies in each volume.
Example: information on freight subsidy of railway export cotton in 2020
Company name: xxxxxxxxx Co., Ltd
Social unified credit Code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
16 copies in total
16-1 (the first edition)
Special attention: the application materials are bound separately according to the cotton production year, and the year on the cover is the cotton production year.
(2) The order of binding is enterprise information table, enterprise business license (copy), subsidy declaration form, subsidy declaration review list, subsidy declaration list of single batch, and corresponding original documents of transportation out of Xinjiang [Special VAT invoice of railway transportation cotton freight transportation industry, railway freight bill, loading list (original).
Special attention: the list of single batch declaration cannot be bound separately with the corresponding attachments.
(3) The detailed list of subsidy single batch declaration shall be bound in strict accordance with the order of identification code in the detailed list of subsidy declaration review, otherwise it will not be reviewed.
Special note: for enterprises with more declaration batches, please consider the cotton batch order entered into the system carefully. The system will sort the identification code according to the sequence of cotton batch input, so the enterprise needs to determine the order of cotton batch input according to the final binding order.
(4) The special VAT invoice (a), freight bill (b) and loading list (c) of a single batch of railway original documents shall be bound in the order of abcabc. One of the three is indispensable, otherwise it will not be reviewed.
Special note: for the case that a loading list has multiple batches, one batch is allowed to use the original and other batches are allowed to be bound when there is only one original of the loading list.
(5) The wagon number and seal number on the loading list must be consistent with the railway freight bill, and the inconsistency will be eliminated.
(6) The number of railway freight waybill must be consistent with that in the remarks column of VAT special invoice of freight transportation industry, and the inconsistency will be eliminated.
(7) When a batch is disassembled and transported in batches, the enterprise shall provide multiple special VAT invoices, railway freight bills and loading lists corresponding to the disassembled batch. If not, they will be rejected.
(8) The third copy is required for paper materials of railway freight waybill, and non third copy will be rejected.
(2) Application materials of highway transportation subsidy
(1) Cover. The cover must indicate the name of the enterprise, mode of cotton transportation, cotton production year, social unified credit code (organization code), indicate the total number of volumes, and indicate the current number of copies in each volume.
Example: Freight subsidy data of cotton exported by highway in 2020
Company name: xxxxxxxxx Co., Ltd
Social unified credit Code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
There are 5 copies in total
5-1 (the first edition)
Special attention: the application materials are bound separately according to the cotton production year, and the year on the cover is the cotton production year
(2) The order of binding is enterprise information table, enterprise business license (copy), subsidy declaration form, subsidy declaration review list, subsidy declaration list of single batch, value-added tax invoice of Highway export cotton goods transportation industry, and the corresponding original certificate of transportation in Xinjiang [highway transportation application and verification form (original)].
Special attention: the list of single batch declaration cannot be bound separately with the corresponding attachments.
(3) The detailed list of subsidy single batch declaration shall be bound in strict accordance with the order of identification code in the detailed list of subsidy declaration review, otherwise it will not be reviewed.
Special note: for enterprises with more declaration batches, please consider the cotton batch order entered into the system carefully. The system will sort the identification code according to the sequence of cotton batch input, so the enterprise needs to determine the order of cotton batch input according to the final binding order.
(4) The binding order of single batch of highway transportation application and verification form must be consistent with the display order of subsidy single batch declaration list, otherwise, it will not be reviewed.
(5) When a batch is disassembled for transportation, the enterprise shall provide multiple original road transportation applications and verification forms corresponding to the dismantled batch.
(3) The printed report must contain watermark, and the report without watermark will not be approved. The report forms include enterprise information table, subsidy declaration form, subsidy declaration audit list and subsidy single batch declaration list.
(4) The original loading list shall be sealed by the shipping unit; The original of the highway transportation application and verification form is required, and the warehouse in Xinjiang and the mainland must be stamped with the verification seal. The railway freight bill, loading list, highway transportation application and checklist shall not be altered. If there is any alteration, there must be a valid seal of the corresponding unit on the altered position, otherwise it will be removed.
(5) The paper materials provided by the enterprise must be stamped with the official seal of the enterprise, and the important information audit points shall be avoided. If there is no official seal, it will be invalid. If the important information audit point is blocked, it will be removed.
(6) The uploaded electronic documents must be clear and stamped with official seal or electronic signature, and the data uploaded by the system must be consistent with the declaration batch (purchase and sales contract, purchase and sales invoice, warehouse transfer cotton storage contract, warehousing voucher, special VAT invoice of railway cotton freight transportation industry, VAT invoice of highway cotton freight transportation industry, railway freight bill and loading list).
2、 Other matters needing attention in applying for subsidies
(1) Road transportation shall be subject to the inspection date of inland warehouse. In case of batch splitting resulting in cross year batches, the remaining parts can only be declared in the next year. If the enterprise still submits the supplementary declaration and provides the highway transportation application and verification form of the corresponding remaining parts, it will be rejected and the declaration data will be confiscated, and the declaration qualification for the remaining parts of this batch in the next year will be cancelled.
(2) During railway declaration, the freight waybill number, departure station, arrival station and carrier date shall be strictly consistent with the railway freight bill. Attention shall be paid to the upper and lower case letters of the freight waybill number. The "*" number shall not be filled in. If there is any inconsistency, it will be eliminated.
(3) When applying for highway and railway, the input items must be consistent with the system uploaded documents and paper submitted documents (batch number, freight bill number, purchase and sales invoice number, transportation VAT invoice number, etc.).
(4) The declaration enterprise shall provide the purchase and sales contract and purchase and sales invoice related to the declaration batch. If both parties in the purchase and sales contract and purchase and sales invoice have nothing to do with the declaring enterprise, they will be eliminated.
(5) If the enterprise is attached with a description of the situation when binding, the audit team will give appropriate approval results in the audit period according to the actual situation.
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