Basic Knowledge Of Etiquette And Etiquette For Business Etiquette
< p > < strong > 1. Note No. /strong > < /p >
< p > (1) the foreign and overseas guests who come to visit, negotiate business and attend the meeting should first know the arrival times and flights of the other party, and arrange to meet with the guests who have the same identity and duty. If for some reason, the owner of the corresponding status can not go, the host who is going to greet him should give polite explanation to the guest. < /p >
< p > (two) the host arrives at the station and the airport to greet the guests. He should arrive in advance and wait for the guests to arrive. He must not be late to keep the guests waiting. When guests see someone coming to greet them, they will feel very happy inside. If they welcome late, they will leave a shadow in their hearts. No matter how to explain it later, they will not be able to dispel the impression of neglect of duty and untrustworthy reputation. < /p >
< p > (three) after receiving a guest, you should first greet "all the way hard", "welcome to our beautiful city", "welcome to our company" and so on. Then introduce yourself to the other person. If you have a business card, you can send it to the other person. Pay attention to the etiquette of sending business cards: < /p >
< p > 1, when you exchange cards with the elders and respecting people, your hands can be handed over and your body can lean forward slightly. When you want to get your business card, you can say in your request: "if you are convenient, can you leave a card for me?" < /p >
< p > 2, as a business card holder, after receiving the card, you should look at it carefully. Don't look at it or put it in your pocket. Don't throw it on the table. < /p >
< p > (four) to greet guests should prepare spanportation for the guests ahead of time. Do not wait for the guests to arrive before they rush to get ready for spanportation. < /p >
< p > (five) the host should prepare accommodation for the guests ahead of time, help the guests to go through all the formalities and bring the guests into the room. At the same time, introduce the services and facilities of the accommodation to the guests, hand over the activities plan and schedule to the guests, and send the prepared maps or tourist maps, famous historical sites and other materials to the guests. < /p >
< p > (six) after the guest is sent to the place of residence, the owner should not leave immediately. He should stay with the guests for a short stay, talk enthusiastically, and make the guests satisfied with the content of the conversation, such as the background materials of guests' participation in activities, local customs, natural landscapes, special products, and material prices. Considering that the guest is too tired to travel all the time, the host should not stay long enough to let the guests rest early. Tell the guest about the time, place and way of the next contact when you break up. < /p >
< p > < strong > two, reception etiquette < /strong > < /p >
< p > guests should pay attention to the following points. < /p >
< p > (1) when the person in charge is not there, he should clearly tell the person in charge where he is going and when he will return to his unit. Ask the guest to leave the phone number and address, make sure that the guest comes to the unit again, or is the person in charge of our company going to the other unit. < /p >
< p > (two) when our guests arrive, our responsible person can not receive any immediate reason for any reason. We should explain the waiting reason and waiting time to the guests. If the guests are willing to wait, they should provide drinks and magazines to the guests. If possible, they should change drinks for the guests. < /p >
< p > (three) the receptionist should lead the guests to the destination with correct guiding methods and guiding positions. < /p >
< p > 1, guiding method in corridor. The receptionist paces the guests two or three steps before the guests walk inside. < /p >
< p > 2, guiding method in staircase. When guiding guests to go upstairs, the guests should be allowed to walk in front. The receptionist is walking behind. If they are going downstairs, they should be in front of the receptionist. When the guests are coming up and down the stairs, the receptionist should pay attention to the safety of the guests. < /p >
< p > 3, guiding method in elevator. When guiding the guest to take the elevator, the receptionist first enters the elevator, and when the guest closes the elevator door after entering, when the arrival arrives, the receptionist will press the "open" button to let the guest get out of the elevator first. < /p >
< p > 4, guiding method in living room. When the guest walks into the living room, the receptionist uses his hand to instruct the guest to sit down and see the guest sit down before he can nod his head and leave. If the guest is seated by mistake, the guest should be seated in the upper seat (usually the one near the door is the lower seat). < /p >
< p > (four) sincere tea. Our people are used to entertain guests with tea. When we entertain distinguished guests, we should pay special attention to tea sets. There are many rules for pouring tea. < /p >
< p > strong > three, riding etiquette < /strong > < /p >.
< p > (1) car. < /p >
< p > 1, car seat, if the driver is driving, row row on the right side is the first place, left side next, middle < /p >.
< p > seat again, take the right rear side, the middle of the front row is the last seat. < /p >
< p > 2, if driving by the owner, take the right side of the driver's seat as the first place, the rear row on the right side, the left side again, then the middle row as the last seat, the front row middle seat should not arrange the guest again. < /p >
< p > 3, when the master couple drive, the master and his wife sit in the front seat. The guests and their husband sit in the back seat. The man wants to serve his wife, so the car door should be opened so that the wife can get on the train first and then get on the train again. < /p >
< p > 4, if the host and wife carry the car of the friend and the couple, then invite friends to sit in the front seat, the friend's wife in the back seat, or let the friends and the couple sit in the front seat. < /p >
< p > 5, the owner himself drives a car, only one person should sit next to his master. If you sit down with many people, the guest who takes the front seat after getting off the train should sit in the front seat. This etiquette is most careless. < /p >
< p > 6, ladies should not enter the car first, nor climb into the car. It is necessary to stand on the edge of the seat first, lower the body, let the buttocks sit on the seat, and put the legs together into the car, so that the knees must be kept in a combined position. < /p >
< p > (two) Jeep < /p >
< p > jeep, no matter whether the driver or the driver is driving, the right row should be the right row, the rear row is the right side, and the left side of the rear row is the last. When you get on the train, the lower row will get on the train first and the front row respecting the rear. When you get off, the front row guests first and the back row guests get off. < /p >
< p > (three) station wagon < /p >
< p > we often use the wagon to pick up our guests when we receive the group guests. The first row of the driver's seat is the front row, and the rear row is small. The seats should be diminishing on the right side to the left side of each row. < /p >
< p > < strong > four, gift etiquette < /strong > /p >
< p > in the increasingly developed economy today, the distance between people is gradually shortened, and the contact is getting wider and wider. There are more and more activities to welcome and celebrate, and the opportunity to give gifts to each other has increased. But how to choose suitable gifts is a puzzling question for everyone. Understanding gift giving skills can not only achieve generous and decent results, but also enhance mutual affection. < /p >
< p > < strong > gift giving taboo < /strong > /p >
< p > 1, the gift you choose, you like it, you don't like it. How can others like it? < /p >
< p > 2, in order to avoid the embarrassing situation of choosing the same gift for the same person in a few years, it is better to make a record when giving gifts every year. < /p >
< p > 3, do not send the gift that you received before, or throw it away. Do not think that people do not know that the person who gives you the gift will pay attention to whether you have used the things he sent. < /p >
< p > 4, do not ask directly what kind of gifts the other person likes. On the one hand, what he asks will lead you to < /p >.
"P > exceed the budget. On the other hand, if you buy it according to his meaning, you may have this situation:" ah, have I ever seen a bigger one? Isn't it better? "< /p >
< p > 5, avoid sending something that will stimulate other people's feelings. < /p >
< p > 6, do not plan to change other people's tastes and habits with your gift. < /p >
< p > 7, we must consider accepting the position, age and sex of the gift person. < /p >
< p > 8, even if you are more affluent, giving gifts to ordinary friends should not be too much, and sending some souvenir gifts is better. If you give a gift to a friend's son is more expensive than a gift from his parents, this will naturally cause his parents' displeasure, and at the same time make the two gifts meaningless. < /p >
< p > accept a beautiful gift that you know your friend can't afford. Your heart will be very upset. Therefore, the gift giver should be more willing to accept it within the scope of his ability. < /p >
< p > 9, remember to remove the price tag and the bags in the shop. No matter how expensive the gift itself is, it is best to wrap it in wrapping paper, and sometimes it can show the intention of the giver better. < /p >
< p > 10, consider whether the recipient can use the gift you sent in daily life. < /p >
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